Saturday, January 1, 2011

Another New Year...

Happy New Year!!

A new year has come once again and everyone celebrated its arrival. Everyone sets new goals for the new year and hope that they will follow through until the end. I know a lot of times people fall through with their plans unfortunately, but life has a bad habit of taking over.

I was never one to set New Year's resolutions. If I ever had any, it was because of some project we would have after the new years began in grade school. They were the typical "be a better person" or "do better in school". Yadda Yadda. This year I want to be different though. This is the year my real life begins. I have graduated from college and now start a new phase of life. This new phase started a little before the new year, but this year I want to make a difference in my own life. I have a lot of plans

Now, I'm writing this post on the 8th and not the 1st. I think If I started too early I would have cursed myself into not following through with anything. My friend told me not to start anything on the first. It's superstition, but I can be paranoid. Here are my resolutions:

I want to finally begin writing and have a short story published by the end of this year.
I know I want to be a novelist, but I have been lacking in the whole writing process. Can't become a writer without actually writing. I'm being quite lenient. I only want to start getting my name out there. One story published isn't that big of a deal if I want to become known, but it's a start. I already have some ideas for writing projects and I will be beginning them shortly. I plan on actually using my story and poem notebooks that I purchased over a year ago.

I want a to get a decent job.
My current job is not terrible, but it's mentally exhausting. Retail is difficult and since you need to deal with every type of person; the good and the bad. I did just get a promotion, but I definitely do not come home feeling accomplished everyday. I want a job I feel decent about at the end of the day. I know I still need to go through grad school, and if I had the stamina to possibly get my doctorate. I will not be beginning my career yet, but I will not simply be doing retail by the end of the year.

I want to figure out myself/my life...somewhat.
I decided that I wanted to become a children's librarian a while ago, but I need to change that if I do not want to struggle with jobs in the future. I need to figure out what I will be happy doing with the rest of my life. As much as I'd simply like to write fiction for the rest of my life, it's not a good idea to rely solely on that as income. I need something else, and once I decide that I can figure out what to get my Masters in and that possible doctorate. I also want to figure myself out, clearly not all in a year now. I want to see what makes me happy and what will keep me happy in the future. I can't figure this out all in one year. The rest of my life would be quite dull if I figured everything out at the age of 23.

I want to make sure I read every other day.
I love to read, but I haven't been doing it much lately. I have a kindle with a bunch of books on it that I need to read. Reading will also keep my imagination fueled for my own writing.

Let's get the typical resolution out of the way...I want to get into decent shape.
I'm not overweight or anything, but if I start perfecting my body now I will keep it that way in the future. I don't want to completely give up on myself after I start reproducing. I want to eat better and find out what kind of work out regiments I like the best. Part of me wants to start running, but I've always hated running. It would definitely be a challenge though. I also want to teach myself to cook a few vegetarian meals. Not eating meat all the time would be a plus. I also want to learn how to get as many fruits and veggies in my life that I can. I'll learn which ones I like...and maybe how to cook the ones I don't like so that I can enjoy them. The more the merrier.

I want to experiment more with my cooking.
I've already fallen into the habit of making the same things over and over again and I haven't even been cooking for myself for a year. I want to make sure I try new things and teach myself everything I can on my own about cooking and baking. Two near-future dishes will be rainbow cookie cake and beef stew :)

One more thing...I want to actually update this blog and get more followers.
I started this blog to get myself writing on a regular basis and I've been failing miserably lately. I plan to turn that around though.

Well, there you have it. My first year of taking resolutions seriously. Keep reading to find out how well I stick to them throughout the year of 2011.


  1. Good luck! If you become a librarian you should be sure to have a sweet collection of Goosebumps books!!!

  2. I am officially hear to support your dreams. You could be the next J.K Rowling. Good Luck!
