Monday, October 25, 2010

The Dragonfruit...

This is Pitaya, also known as dragon fruit. This fruit has mesmerized me for some time now. It looks absolutely delicious. The inside look like real vanilla ice cream with the black specs throughout it from the vanilla bean. The insides can also be pink, or the outside yellow, but I would definitely prefer to try the pink on the outside/white on the inside kind. It's more visually appealing to me. I've been obsessing over trying this fruit, but of course it's native to Mexico and Central/South America, so it doesn't often make it's way to the local Buffalo Wegmans.
There are several types of foods I have discovered from watching TV/reading books that have just looked absolutely amazing to me. I'll write about the other kinds in other posts.
When my friend Mike told me he tried, I automatically got envious and obsessed more over it since he told me where he got it from, which is only a 15/20 minute drive from where I live. Of course, I never ended up going. I'm rarely in that area, and for the longest time the road it's on was going through major construction and was a nightmare to drive through. I have still yet to drive out to that specific grocery store.
My luck changed one day though. While food shopping one day, I saw it sitting in a basket in the produce section. A huge smile spread across my face, but it was quickly wiped away. The color was dull and unattractive and the spikes seemed to have lost their perkiness a while ago. It did not look as fresh as I have seen it within all the pictures on the internet and within books. I also saw that it was $10 each. I have never paid that much for fruit, and as a college student working part time in retail, I have to remain semi-strict with my food budget (that can be really hard for me who wants to experiment and try everything).
I had found my dream fruit, but I was stuck in a predicament. Did I really want to spend that much money for a piece of fruit that looked far from fresh? In the end, I decided it was not a good idea. I would once again have to wait for the next time I would come across this tropical wonder. I left the area with a slight frown and went about my regular shopping. I wish tropical, out-of-local-region fruit wasn't so expensive, but in the end it makes sense. One day though I will find my fruit again and suck up the fact that I need to spend a lot of money.
When that day comes, I hope the fruit is as delicious as I imagine it can be. I hope it'll be juicy, with a subtle but still sweet taste to it. All I can do now is imagine what this ice cream look-a-like will taste like. With my luck though, I will try it and hate it. When the day comes that I try it, I will make sure to write about it and let the world know whether or not it was everything I imagined.

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