Thursday, September 23, 2010

Introducing Me

My name is Heather Aug, and I'm hoping that someday you will hear this name and recognize it. I have several long term goals, but the most important one is to become a novelist. I have a problem though; I lack the proper motivation. Between finishing my undergraduate degree (which will be done this December) and working a mind-numbing retail job, my brain is too congested during my time off to unleash any creativity. This needs to change.
I want my to throw my name out into the world. I want people to read everything I have to offer to them. I need the inspiration and I need to the motivation. To gain a head start, I've started this blog. If I start writing a little something everyday, hopefully I can spark my brain enough to get myself writing the hundreds of stories I know are swarming around.
This blog will be about four things I'm passionate about: Reading, writing, video games, and cooking. Once I get writing some stories and poetry, I'll probably post them on here as well. Hopefully this will be the start of something big in my life.

Nice to meet you future possible readers of my blog.

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