Sunday, September 26, 2010

The best way to start off the fall...

It's apple season. My boyfriend's mom makes a delicious apple pie, and it's his goal to make us compete to make the best apple pies. Last week, I made my first apple pie. I was excited and decided to start off easy. I've never made a baked pie (I make a mean no-bake peanut butter pie), and apple pie is simply a classic that almost everyone enjoys. I grabbed and easy recipe off the internet and hoped for the best.
We, me and my boyfriend Ben, wanted to go apple picking to get the apples for our pie. For the past couple years we have gone to a apple orchard in Weedsport, NY that is near Ben's town. It's the perfect little place. It has a variety of apples that can be handpicked. It has a cider-mill right on the orchard, so we would always by mass amounts of the delicious cider and drink it easily within 2 days. They also made donuts fried in the apple-cider they make. They are absolutely delicious. I also get my fill of caramel apples and honeycrisp apples. It has the perfect combination of everything I could want from an apple orchard.
Both of us live in Buffalo now. I work close to full time and no longer have the ability to take off whatever time I want. I work retail and have bills to pay. Since we cannot go to Weedsport whenever we have time off from school, I looked for orchards around the Buffalo area. I was highly disappointed in what I found. Some orchards had apple picking but no apple cider, or vise versa. The ones that did have apple picking did not have a decent variety of different kinds of apples for their customers to pick. Not many places had honey crisp apples to sell and I need my favorite apples at some point in my 2010 autumn experience. In the end, we didn't go anywhere that weekend. We went to Wegmans and just bought a bag of apples. They had honeycrisp cider there, so I was happy.
My pie was super easy to make. There was really only about six ingredients to it, and I brought a pre-made pie crust to keep my life simple. I prepped everything and put my pie in the oven with high hopes. The recipe said to only have the pie cook for a half an hour which I thought was odd, but I went along with it anyway. When the pie was ready, I was in for a surprise. The inside of my pie was super watery and the crust wasn't golden brown and crisp like I was hoping. The apples didn't have the perfect soft texture I like within anything that has cooked apples included within. It all still tasted alright, but in the end it was pretty much a failure.
I have come to the conclusion that I'm better with cooking than I am with baking. I've made plenty of cakes and cookies that were baked perfectly and tasted amazing. My personal favorite is meringue cookies, which are time consuming and tiring. The foods that I have made that have turned out badly have all been desserts though. I made a chocolate rice pudding once and it was completely dry and had no flavor. I attempted a chocolate mousse once too. Tasted lovely, but it was very unmousselike. It was hard and we all had to scrape it out of the bowl (I plan on reattempting this for Thanksgiving this year). And now I have my watery apple pie to add to the list of failed recipes.
I won't let this bring me down though. The recipe I chose was not a good choice. I need to pick a more in depth recipe that makes more sense pie-wise. Ben won't let me give up either. The more I strive to better myself in the world of food, the more yummy treats he gets. I really do enjoy cooking and baking. I want to get to the point where I can make a decent amount of my own recipes that I can hopefully share with the world. I need a bit more experience and money to do this, but my time will come.
In the meantime, I'll follow recipes and watch the Food Network religiously so I can keep learning to keep the hungry people in my life happy. The fall is far from over, and I'll have plenty of time to make plenty of pies. The leaves have barely started turning different colors. I'll get myself to an apple orchard, and I'll make my fair share of apple pies. Living in Buffalo means I can enjoy oven season for quite a long time.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Weekend off...

Working in retail, I never seem to get weekends off. Department stores flourish on weekends when people who work weekday 9-5 jobs are off. So of course, I'm sucked into the working world while everyone else enjoys their weekends off by shopping away the money they made the week before. I'm there to help them pay for their things, and to suck them into a world where they'll face more problems and debt; they'll spend their non-existent money. It's a sad cycle for the ones who cannot control themselves. I write this for you, the customer:

An Ode to Customers

I greet you in a simple great way
You smile, someone genuine in your day
A trust has been gained
A pile of necessities have you maimed.
I offer to give you a few dollars in return
In exchange for a regret that you will soon learn
I learn about you in a short amount of time
Three minutes drifts away, ignoring the line
A hint of glee shines within your eyes
As 15% is taken in exchange for a few lies
Your future security lays greatly exposed
An extra dollar in my pocket I've expertly composed
You leave now, happy, showered in fresh darkness
I stand more numb in my corporate sin's mess.

I get to forget about this until Monday. The fresh smell of apples will help me relax on my day away from the realization that I strive everyday to help most of my customers get worse credit. Soon, once I get a big oral presentation out of the way, I'll be getting a job where I can hopefully in some way be sharing the importance of reading. That will help me feel just a little better than I do now at the end of the day.

Friday, September 24, 2010

A slight failure...

I'm already failing my own personal quest. Today was very busy and full of schoolwork and other work. Tomorrow I will be able to get down to what this blog will truly be about. At least I posted something today.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Introducing Me

My name is Heather Aug, and I'm hoping that someday you will hear this name and recognize it. I have several long term goals, but the most important one is to become a novelist. I have a problem though; I lack the proper motivation. Between finishing my undergraduate degree (which will be done this December) and working a mind-numbing retail job, my brain is too congested during my time off to unleash any creativity. This needs to change.
I want my to throw my name out into the world. I want people to read everything I have to offer to them. I need the inspiration and I need to the motivation. To gain a head start, I've started this blog. If I start writing a little something everyday, hopefully I can spark my brain enough to get myself writing the hundreds of stories I know are swarming around.
This blog will be about four things I'm passionate about: Reading, writing, video games, and cooking. Once I get writing some stories and poetry, I'll probably post them on here as well. Hopefully this will be the start of something big in my life.

Nice to meet you future possible readers of my blog.