Monday, February 28, 2011

A minor obsession...

I've always preferred tea over coffee.  My dad never liked coffee, and still doesn't to this day.  My mom will drink it, but not as obsessively as a lot of people in America seem to.  I've been drinking tea since I was pretty young; my mom would make it for me any time I had a stomach ache. Today, it's almost soothing for me to drink it.  

I'm trying not to drink much soda and sugary drinks.  I never buy soda when I go grocery shopping.  I try to only drink it when I go out to eat.  I drink 3 things at home; milk, water, and tea.  I keep variety in my drinking habits by buying a whole bunch of different kinds of tea.  My favorites so far are lemon and vanilla :)

Hot tea is good when I'm home and I have time to let it cool off, but not when I have a half-hour break at work and I need to go to Tim Hortons and have a quick bite to eat.  I began ordering fresh brewed iced tea, and now it's all I ever order when I go there to eat.  It's refreshing, and even though I get it sweetened they don't overwhelm the drink with sugar.  I got an iced mocha once...It just didn't compare.  

My fascination with iced tea didn't start there.  I used to get tea lot in the coffee shop in the Buffalo State's food court.  One of the guys who used to work there would make iced tea out of the herbal teas they offered.  He was one of my favorite employees of Sodexo.  I was hooked...until he didn't work there and none of the other employees knew how he did it.  I was very upset, but I still had my hot vanilla red tea to keep me happy.

I went with my boyfriend last week to his house out in the boonies.  He had to get braces checked out and I was able to go with him since I worked early the day we went and worked late the day we went back to Buffalo.  His mom had bought me a bunch of tea when I was staying at their house once because I was sick and she knew I liked it.  She gave all that tea to be to bring back to Buffalo, along with some Lipton cold-brew iced tea packets.  I was super excited when I saw this and made it right when I got home.  I've been drinking it nonstop ever since.  

My birthday is coming up, and I asked for an iced tea maker.  I'm reeeeally hoping I get one.  There's just nothing more refreshing than fresh brewed iced tea.  It tastes so much cleaner than soda and non-real fruit juice.  Ever since I've started drinking a bunch of the iced tea from Tim Hortons, I can't get myself to drink fountain iced tea from restaurants.  It has a weird, tangy taste to it.  

I'm happy about my new obsession.  It's definitely a healthy obsession.  It keeps me hydrated and won't burn my insides like soda can.  Also, there's no calories.  Yay for healthy drinks.  I do have a strong sweet tooth though, and I can't seem to drink tea without some sort of sweetener in it.  Maybe I'm just a southern girl at heart and need sweet tea flowing through me.  Either way, it's delicious and everyone should drink more fresh brewed iced tea.  

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